Elder Wing, Art Gallery of South AustraliaElder Wing, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide

Preventive conservation identifies and reduces risks to cultural collections by instigating focused actions and strategic management programs to minimise potential degradation. By implementing preventive conservation actions, deterioration and damage to whole collections or personal family treasures can be dramatically slowed, reduced or even eliminated.

Preventive conservation actions are generally not expensive or complicated - they can be put in place by individuals, private collectors, in-house staff or volunteers from private and public organisations for minimal or no cost to the individual or organisation.

Our broad range of preventive activities include collections environmental controls, collections integrated pest management programs, risk management surveys, collections disaster management including the preparation of tailored disaster plans and object salvage training workshops, collection care training workshops, preparation of housekeeping manuals, collection surveys, conservation management plans, Preservation Needs Assessment Surveys, and advice on display and storage conditions as well as handling and transport.